
Teeth whitening and bleaching is a cosmetic dental procedure meant to improve the colour of your teeth and make them whiter and brighter. A person’s smile is one of the first things somebody notices about you to give you the first impression that you deserve.

Teeth whitening can be performed by bleaching teeth and veneers and laminates.

Whitening can be performed chair side and only takes one appointment in office. We use light accelerated (some call it laser) and non-light accelerated whitening products to achieve this in as little as an hour and unlike most whitening systems out there, ours doesn’t cause any pain or tooth sensitivity. We can typically give you up to 4-8 shades whiter and brighter teeth in one sitting without any side effects.

Whitening can also be performed at home through special custom made trays or prefabricated trays which deliver the whitening products at home. While this method takes longer, it can deliver consistent results and is something we recommend on an ongoing basis. These trays are typically worn for about 20 minutes a day for a period of one to two weeks depending on how white you want to teeth to get.

Some patients suffer from tetracycline or fluorosis which are anomalies within the tooth structure that has caused the structure of the tooth to be different hence reflect light differently. Tooth whitening can be a great tool to mask this but an individual assessment must be made.

Contact us to book your consultation and learn how we can help you achieve a great first impression!
